Friday, January 23, 2009

Snow Day

Eric and I decided that it would be fun to take Jo up to the Snow for his first "Snow Day" ever! We packed a lunch, dropped Scarlet off at Grandma's and headed North.

Most people wouldn't believe that there is snow in Arizona, but oh yes...about an hour and half out of town and there you are!

It had just snowed the night before, so it was beautiful fresh snow! So fresh in fact, that you couldn't drive off the main highway onto any side roads because they hadn't been plowed! So not so good for the sledding, but we made do!

Starting out...lovin the snow!

Snow Fight with Daddy...Still lovin it!

Hated it!!!

The gloves came off and that was the end of that! Then started the Screaming demand..."Put me in the car, take all my clothes off, and turn on the heater!"

Maybe, better luck next time :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good times and noodle salad!......